What We Believe

5 Principles

Five Unity Principles

Just as there are principles of nature that govern our physical existence, there are also Spiritual Principles that are immutable and unchanging. When we discover these principles and practice them in our lives, we awaken to an entirely different way of being. The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are:

    1. There is only One Power and One Presence in the Universe and in my life, God the Good, Omnipotent.
    2. We are Spiritual Beings created in God’s Image. The Spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.
    3. We create our life experiences through our thoughts and feelings.
    4. There is Divine Power in meditation and affirmative prayer which increases our awareness of our oneness with God.
    5. Knowing and understanding these Spiritual Principles, also called Truth, is not enough. We must live them.



WE BELIEVE that it is God’s will that every individual on the face of this earth should live a healthy, happy and prosperous life.
WE BELIEVE that such a life is within the reach of each one of us and the way to its attainment begins with the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, waiting for us to bring it into expression.
WE BELIEVE that we can bring this Kingdom forth by putting into practice the universal spiritual principles taught by Unity and it’s founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore
WE BELIEVE that through prayer, mediation and silence we are able to hear and act upon the guidance of the “still small voice” within us.
WE BELIEVE that God is good and that God is greater than any circumstance and mightier than any condition. As a result, we trust God to lead, guide and direct our individual paths. We trust God to handle and take care of any concerns or distress. Therefore, we allow God to take care of us by “Letting go and Letting God”.
WE BELIEVE that we can attain a healthy, happy and prosperous life by Right Thinking, Right Words, Right Feelings, Right Actions and Right Reactions.

WE BELIEVE that the basis for right thinking is LOVE - love of God, and love for all that is good in ourselves and others.